Trickle Net ® Produkte sind hochwertige robuste und praktische Futternetze
Wir glauben, dass sie die beste verfügbare Lösung sind, um den Rhythmus der Rieselfütterung zu fördern und die Futteraufnahme Ihres Pferdes zu reduzieren.
Hervorragende Qualität und hochwirksam, um viel mehr Knabberzeit zu bieten und gleichzeitig den Abfall auf Null zu reduzieren!
Handgenäht, um Ihnen das robusteste und robusteste Futternetz von höchster Qualität zu bieten, das es gibt.
Wissenschaftlich getestet
Ideale Lochgröße von 25 mm – basierend auf unseren Tests und Recherchen, 20 mm Lochgröße ist zu klein und 30 mm ist zu groß
Haltbares Material
Wasserdicht und verrottungsfest – kann zum Einweichen von Heu eingetaucht werden und stark genug für den Einsatz im Feld
Horse Owner – Dalesfans Message Board
Another trickle net fan. Yes they are more expensive to purchase, but you only need one per horse, there is no fiddling about with double/triple netting. It takes them 2-3 times as long to eat half the amount of hay, and because of the work involved in getting the hay out they clear up what gets dropped on the floor
I honestly think I’ve saved at least the cost of each haynet in hay which hasn’t got wasted on the floor already this winter. Plus no balancing between over feeding horses and leaving them without food, no battling with layering nets either! I’m completely sold. One of mine just chews right through haynets too and I’ve had these since about March, and they all still look brand new, even with the chewer.
All in between the lack of wastage, the reduced amount of hay they are consuming and the fact I don’t have to keep purchasing new nets for the chewer I’ve saved at least double what I spent purchasing them already. hold of, and there’s fine string like haylage netting over the hole so difficult to get hay out of too!
Horse Owner – Dalesfans Message Board
Another trickle net fan. Yes they are more expensive to purchase, but you only need one per horse, there is no fiddling about with double/triple netting. It takes them 2-3 times as long to eat half the amount of hay, and because of the work involved in getting the hay out they clear up what gets dropped on the floor
I honestly think I’ve saved at least the cost of each haynet in hay which hasn’t got wasted on the floor already this winter. Plus no balancing between over feeding horses and leaving them without food, no battling with layering nets either! I’m completely sold. One of mine just chews right through haynets too and I’ve had these since about March, and they all still look brand new, even with the chewer.
All in between the lack of wastage, the reduced amount of hay they are consuming and the fact I don’t have to keep purchasing new nets for the chewer I’ve saved at least double what I spent purchasing them already. hold of, and there’s fine string like haylage netting over the hole so difficult to get hay out of too!
"Bought 3 trickle nets been using them non stop now for 1 year and that is with 5 ponies They are still in brilliant condition. The nets fit the large round bales and are out in all weather. My ponies live as natural as possible."
"Love my trickle net its so strong. and keeps my good doer dales pony entertained for 3 times longer than normal net"
"It saves me a bale of hay a week, because the hay lasts longer. It also makes a bale of bedding last a day or so longer – less going in = less coming out!"
Verwenden Sie unseren praktischen Rechner, um zu berechnen, wie viel Futter Sie benötigen Pferd benötigt und finden Sie heraus, ob Sie Geld sparen könnten.